and Save and Gorgeous Homes
are leading directories of UK online retailers. The sites are organised
into logical product categories and are fully searchable.
are currently charging an annual fee of just £50+ Vat per
annum to advertise your shop on Gorgeous
Homes - Home and Garden Shopping Directory. For this we offer
you a boxed advertisement with store logo, descriptive text, relevent
keywords plus links to your own online store. You can select the category
of your choice.
bonus listing: If your store is relevent to Shop
and Save - UK Shopping Directory, we will even offer you a bonus
free listing on for no extra cost. The same applies if store
is anyway Kitchen related we can offer you an additional free listing
on Kitchen
Shop Directory.
company name |
of the products and services that you offer etc.
click here for further information or to shop.
advertise, please generate and verify a user account. (See below).
Once you've do that click on the 'Advertise your store' link again and
you will be able to submit your store details. You will be taken to
a secure PayPal payment page. We will then contact you to confirm
full listing details etc.
We reserve the right to reject listings we deem unsuitable. We are not
looking to list other shopping directories nor do we list adult shopping
sites on Sorry we do not offer free listings.
We are a directory of UK online stores therefore we are not looking
to list US shopping sites unless you have a UK shopping site. If your
store has it's own affiliate programme or one through an affiliate network,
please feel free to contact
us regarding getting listed. Any stores deemed unsuitable that have
have submitted payment will have the advertising fee refunded without
you have any questions please feel free to call me on 0116 254 9063.
Simon Mallinson (Publisher)